6 Roofing Industry Resources Property Managers Need to Know About

commercial roofing

Property managers need as much information and resources as possible to make maintaining properties easy and efficient.

From understanding the type of roofing system on your properties to maintenance requirements and software solutions, roofing industry resources are available to assist you with roofing management needs.

4 Roof Maintenance Tips for Property Managers

commercial roofing

As a property manager, you have your hands full. Whether the properties you handle are commercial or residential, maintenance is a never-ending job. Keeping up with roof maintenance does not have to be difficult.

Commercial Roofs Will Be More Difficult and Expensive to Insure

commercial roofing

Early in the evening hours of June 12, 2014, Abilene, Texas, was hit by a hailstorm that covered approximately 40 percent of the town. What made the storm unusual was the size of the hailstones combined with the intensity and duration of the storm. Hailstones varied in size from 2 to well over 6 inches and fell for more than 23 minutes. Most of the stones were frozen rock-hard; some pieces formed when two to three mid-size hailstones froze together.

What Property Managers Need to Know About Choosing a Roof Contractor

commercial roofing

Do you manage several properties or own a commercial building? If you’ve noticed that some of those buildings have seen better days, you might be in the process of finding a roofing contractor. But is that contractor qualified and do they have the references to back up their work?

A Roofer’s Guide to Safely Navigating an OSHA Inspection

commercial roofing

Almost every American can recite his or her Miranda rights. We have all seen enough cop dramas and world’s wildest police chases on prime-time television to know that when the police, FBI or other law-enforcement agencies get involved that we have the right to remain silent, and we know that everything we say can and will be used against us in a court of law. Unfortunately, many roofing contractors in the construction industry do not remember their rights when an OSHA inspector arrives at their job sites, and this can lead to hefty fines.

How Preventative Roof Maintenance Can Save You Money

commercial roofing

Preventative roof maintenance should be viewed the same way any preventative maintenance is, as a way to make sure that your investment continues to function the way it is designed.

You take steps to maintain your vehicle and appliances, steps must be taken to maintain your roof.

Top 10 Reasons to Choose CRS for Your Commercial Roof Repair

commercial roofing

For over 3 decades, CRS has offered superior products installed by industry professionals at a reasonable cost.

If you’re searching for a dependable, flexible commercial and industrial roofing contractor, CRS can make the choice easy for you.

The following reasons highlight our core values of reliability, flexibility and honesty.